Kirkcudbrightshire Advertiser, Friday 19th November 1926 (extract).

Death of Ex-Bailie Hastings, Kirkcudbright.

Mr Hastings was 72 years of age. He was a native of Balmaghie, but when quite young his father removed to the Kirkcudbright district where he was in the employment of the late Mr Phillips, Carse, father of the present proprietor, Mr James Phillips.

After leaving school he entered the service of the late firm of Messrs J & T Williamson, grain merchants, Kirkcudbright, where he rose to become foreman. Thirty six years ago he acquired the business of the late Mr Archibald Jack in St Mary Street, and this he has carried on most successfully. He afterwards acquired a coal agency, and some years ago he took over the Kirkcudbright Mill and Millhouse, and these have also flourished under his management. He is assisted in this business by his only surviving son Samuel.

He is survived by Mrs Hastings and his son. He was buried at St Cuthbert's Churchyard, Kirkcudbright.