Kirkcudbrightshire Advertiser, Friday 22nd January 1926, (extract).

Matthew Smith of the Leathes died suddenly on Monday evening. He had, as usual, attended Castle Douglas market on Monday, where he disposed of some fat sheep. He returned home later in the evening and, when having supper, a piece of food lodged in his throat, and before medical aid could be summoned he expired.

Mr Smith was one of the largest arable farmers in Galloway. He belonged to the Whithorn district of Wigtownshire, where his father was the tenant of Garrorie. He took a lease of Leathes 35 years ago, and in 1920 he purchased the farm from Colonel John McKie, formerly of Ernespie.

He kept an extensive herd of Ayrshire dairy cows and was a sound judge of Clydesdale horses.

Mr Smith, who was 62 years of age, is survived by Mrs Smith and two married daughters, one of whom is in South Africa, the other being Mrs William Taylor of Edingham, Dalbeattie.

He was buried at Buittle Churchyard.