Kirkcudbrightshire Advertiser, Friday 22nd January 1926, (extract).

The funeral took place on Tuesday to St Cuthbert's Churchyard, Kirkcudbright, of Mr Christopher Rogerson, senior partner in the firm of Messrs Roberson and Black, merchants, St Cuthbert Street, Kirkcudbright.

Mr Rogerson was a native of Wamphray and after his school days were over he served an apprenticeship at Dalton. About 44 years ago he came to Kirkcudbright as an assistant to Mr A R Milligan, Fairfield, who at that time had a grocery business in premises which now form part of the Royal Hotel, afterwards occupied by Mr John Milliagan, who also died this week.

Over 50 years ago Mr Rogerson started business on his own account in St Cuthbert Street on the site where the present handsome buildings were built after a destructive fire some years ago. The business increased largely, and eventually Mr Robert Black was assumed as partner, and the firm's connection with the trade as wholesale and retail grocers, cheese merchants, and bacon curers became one of the most extensive in south west Scotland.

Mr Rogerson was a widower, and is survived by one son, Mr James Rogerson, who is also a member of the firm. He is buried at St Cuthbert's Churchyard, Kirkcudbright.