Family History Resources for Genealogists and Family Tree Research in Kirkcudbrightshire

The places and place names in the parish of Buittle in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, along with many historical notes and links to old and new maps of the place and surrounding area.

Named Places in Buittle Parish

* Indicates apparently now uninhabited or demolished.

Name (Modern Name) Type Record Card
Allan Bank Dwelling 54.934157,-3.878742
Allan Bank Cottage Dwelling * 54.934977,-3.870481
Almorness Cottage (Cockleha'en) Dwelling 54.865852,-3.826332
Almorness Point Sea 54.845500,-3.807400
Auchengate Dwelling 54.940105,-3.844732
Bar Hill Land Feature 54.925870,-3.849070
Bar Hill Plantation Named Woodland 54.922070,-3.851350
Barchain Farm 54.906792,-3.858089
Barchain Hill Land Feature 54.911150,-3.861350
Barhastry Hill Land Feature 54.894300,-3.854400
Barlochan Dwelling 54.894908,-3.842431
Barlochan Hill Land Feature 54.901100,-3.852500
Barlochan Mill Mill 54.893149,-3.839793
Barlochan Port (Palnackie Harbour) Harbour 54.893498,-3.838536
Barlochan Wood Named Woodland 54.900910,-3.846540
Barn Hill Land Feature 54.962550,-3.865690
Barrsyard Dwelling 54.944801,-3.851470
Barscone Land Feature 54.952644,-3.850719
Barscone Wood 54.953020,-3.849367
Barsoles Land Feature 54.945560,-3.845510
Barsoles Wood Named Woodland 54.943400,-3.845500
Barwhinnie Hill Land Feature 54.885950,-3.849450
Big Barwhinnie Loch Loch 54.888000,-3.846500
Birkland Bridge Bridge 54.941202,-3.886135
Birkland Burn Water 54.942767,-3.883034
Blackbelly (Douganhill) Dwelling 54.885315,-3.862794
Blackbelly Hill Land Feature 54.897390,-3.861580
Blackbelly Plantation Named Woodland 54.888020,-3.866110
Boghall Dwelling 54.919238,-3.856105
Boghead (Dairy Cottage) Dwelling 54.954086,-3.883367
Breckoniehill Farm 54.920150,-3.830312
Breoch Dwelling 54.919867,-3.900404
Breoch Cottage Dwelling 54.911985,-3.908805
Broomiebrae Dwelling 54.917906,-3.855515
Broomisle Dwelling 54.913527,-3.837694
Brown's Hill Land Feature 54.944200,-3.854400
Brownshill In Ruins 54.941302,-3.853076
Buittle Burn Water 54.955370,-3.847460
Buittle Castle Historical Site 54.935301,-3.844605
Buittle Church Church 54.919481,-3.861228
Buittle Church (in ruins) Historical Site 54.918948,-3.861571
Buittle High School School 54.938299,-3.872498
Buittle Hill Land Feature 54.939300,-3.852500
Buittle Manse (Kirksyde) Manse 54.920677,-3.861845
Buittle Mill Dwelling 54.958850,-3.855765
Buittle Place Dwelling 54.935686,-3.846363
Buittle Slot Land Feature 54.936860,-3.854490
Buittle Station Railway * 54.956932,-3.858089
Burnside of Blackbelly Dwelling * 54.887585,-3.869275
Burntstick Dwelling * 54.911356,-3.910661
Burntstick TP Toll * 54.911356,-3.910661
Bush Dwelling * 54.882066,-3.845408
Butterhole Farm 54.924515,-3.842618
Caigton (Craigton) Farm 54.928745,-3.887336
Caigton Hill Land Feature 54.913220,-3.875320
Caigton Row Dwelling 54.923406,-3.878756
Caigton Wood Named Woodland 54.926190,-3.889960
Cairney Hill Land Feature 54.874770,-3.859370
Camp Hill Land Feature 54.944176,-3.876628
Castle Hill Land Feature 54.867489,-3.830832
Castle Hill Cullinaw Land Feature 54.914240,-3.867460
Castle Hill Flock Land Feature 54.910440,-3.884890
Castlegower Dwelling * 54.911036,-3.898559
Castlegower Farm 54.914465,-3.891263
Cauldside In Ruins 54.901265,-3.855759
Chapel Croft Land Feature 54.921930,-3.889490
Chapel Croft (Chapelcroft) Dwelling 54.873631,-3.862338
Chapel Croft Cottage (Kennels Cottage) Dwelling 54.868436,-3.854560
Chapel Croft Plantation Named Woodland 54.867720,-3.848490
Claycroft Dwelling 54.923659,-3.836557
Clone Dwelling 54.908081,-3.852065
Clonshank Dwelling * 54.903696,-3.849109
Clonyards Dwelling 54.905882,-3.851963
Clonyards Cottage Dwelling * 54.905864,-3.850697
Coalhole (Keeper's Cottage) Dwelling 54.913484,-3.841138
Coalhole Wood Named Woodland 54.914410,-3.842660
Cockleaths (Cockleaths Cottage) Dwelling 54.958916,-3.889868
Collin Hill Land Feature 54.959700,-3.884069
Collin Hill Plantation Named Woodland 54.958900,-3.883440
Coopersknowe Dwelling * 54.914582,-3.841985
Corbieton Dwelling 54.972447,-3.882390
Corbieton Farm House Farm 54.971481,-3.883291
Corra Dwelling 54.932480,-3.902035
Corra Lane Water 54.929620,-3.898640
Court Hill Land Feature 54.903370,-3.839550
Court Hill Orchardton Land Feature 54.873900,-3.846708
Courthill (Glowerowrum) Dwelling 54.900784,-3.841814
Craigherron Land Feature 54.878900,-3.836200
Craigherron In Ruins 54.879495,-3.839326
Craignair Land Feature 54.929150,-3.845550
Craignair Bridge Dwelling * 54.926692,-3.839593
Craignair Cottage Dwelling 54.925409,-3.839829
Craignair Granite Quarries Quarry 54.928150,-3.844950
Craignair Plantation Named Woodland 54.930600,-3.846000
Craignair Shed Dwelling 54.926784,-3.845515
Craigterra (Craig Turra) Dwelling 54.912679,-3.826175
Cuil Farm 54.926106,-3.908676
Cullinaw Farm 54.917653,-3.864945
Cushiemay Land Feature 54.940012,-3.881693
Dampark Land Feature 54.954330,-3.862410
Dinchinpon Land Feature 54.943300,-3.897330
Doach Dwelling 54.901401,-3.883495
Douganhill (Old Douganhill) Dwelling 54.881733,-3.854737
Drummannoch Land Feature 54.857758,-3.826496
East Logan Farm 54.949360,-3.853143
Fellside Land Feature 54.946400,-3.857670
Flock Dwelling * 54.910197,-3.876092
Flock Hill Land Feature 54.908620,-3.877830
Ford Knowe Dwelling 54.952016,-3.847650
Forge Tree Historical Site 54.963866,-3.887856
Gaigrie Dwelling 54.896483,-3.872160
Gaigrie Hill Land Feature 54.903160,-3.878150
Garden Creek Water 54.896083,-3.838638
Gardenburn Dwelling 54.897484,-3.841057
Gardenburn Smithy (Gardenburn) Smithy 54.897638,-3.840859
Gelston Burn Water 54.912950,-3.913770
Gibbs Hole Sea 54.860450,-3.820860
Gibbs Hole Wood Named Woodland 54.856500,-3.817500
Gill Plantation Named Woodland 54.930030,-3.873640
Glen Black Stone Sea 54.881927,-3.822459
Glen Isle Land Feature 54.874090,-3.819500
Grass Hill Land Feature 54.955970,-3.877430
Guffogland Dwelling 54.941608,-3.865117
Guffogland Hill Land Feature 54.939320,-3.866850
Halketleaths Farm 54.953224,-3.876736
Halketleaths Cottage Dwelling 54.956464,-3.888388
Halketleaths Mill - Corn Mill 54.951234,-3.875288
Hardhills Dwelling 54.922560,-3.865480
Hardhills Sidebar Dwelling 54.929030,-3.892400
Hardhills Smithy Smithy 54.922373,-3.865632
Hardhills TP (Cullinaw Cottage) Toll 54.921679,-3.865417
Holm (The Holm) Farm 54.873925,-3.838263
Hopehead Dwelling 54.963733,-3.887959
Horse Isles Land Feature 54.851600,-3.809600
Horse Isles Bay Sea 54.854100,-3.812900
How Glen Dwelling 54.884635,-3.831632
Howyard Dwelling * 54.973740,-3.867770
Isle Dwelling 54.888404,-3.854785
Kenmore Hill Land Feature 54.938348,-3.887004
Kipple Hill Land Feature 54.951250,-3.872320
Kirkennan Dwelling 54.903196,-3.832029
Kirkennan Church Historical Site 54.900330,-3.837480
Kirkennan Cottage (Gardenburn) Dwelling 54.897292,-3.841288
Kirkennan Cottage Dwelling 54.900938,-3.838434
Kirkennan Hill Land Feature 54.911050,-3.851130
Kirkennan Plantation Named Woodland 54.909780,-3.848640
Kirkstile (Kirkstyle) Dwelling 54.919046,-3.860976
Knockimming Plantation Named Woodland 54.926780,-3.885380
Knocknon Land Feature 54.927710,-3.894970
Knox Hill Land Feature 54.927890,-3.860540
Lady Plantation Named Woodland 54.951910,-3.872300
Leaths (The Leaths) Dwelling 54.945842,-3.893538
Leaths Burn Water 54.941134,-3.893559
Little Knox Dwelling 54.926152,-3.865734
Loch Ling Water 54.865490,-3.858770
Lochhill Dwelling 54.887028,-3.846679
Loch-hill Plantation Named Woodland 54.887920,-3.852651
Logan Cottage Dwelling 54.951550,-3.857250
Marnoch Hill Land Feature 54.900607,-3.863527
Mary's Pool Water 54.923513, -3.832697
Meikle Knox Farm 54.941279,-3.878678
Merse - Almorness Land Feature 54.853112,-3.818652
Mill of Glen Burn Water 54.901265,-3.855759
Milton Bridge Bridge 54.959541,-3.853605
Milton of Buittle Dwelling 54.959889,-3.854002
Milton Park Dwelling 54.968087,-3.866082
Milton Park Hill (Camp Hill) Land Feature 54.966000,-3.864600
Mount Pleasant Land Feature 54.903529,-3.872241
Moyle Land Feature 54.846000,-3.813220
Muir Plantation Named Woodland 54.953130,-3.881940
Munshes (Munches) Dwelling 54.911239,-3.825377
Munshes Hill (Munches Hill) Land Feature 54.917577,-3.846992
Nethertown of Almorness (Almorness House) Dwelling 54.865821,-3.826305
New Buittle (Buittle Mains) Dwelling 54.928332,-3.854474
New Buittle or Barskeoch Hill Land Feature 54.934900,-3.857700
New Mills Dwelling * 54.869668,-3.861094
New Mills Bridge Bridge 54.868760,-3.860900
New Mills Plantation Named Woodland 54.867670,-3.858820
North Glen Dwelling 54.887383,-3.831021
Old Hole In Ruins 54.876650,-3.840255
Old Military Road Road 54.968110,-3.879250
Old Orchardton (Orchardton Mains) Dwelling 54.877502,-3.846095
Orchardton Tower Historical Site 54.876851,-3.845347
Palnackie Town/Village 54.892270,-3.840725
Palnackie Brae Land Feature 54.889160,-3.834830
Park Hill Land Feature 54.884050,-3.835900
Park of Almorness Dwelling 54.883581,-3.843150
Paul's Hill Hill 54.875750,-3.852750
Potterland Lane Water 54.873100,-3.867400
Ramshaw Dwelling * 54.909855,-3.840030
Ramshaw Wood Named Woodland 54.906700,-3.838600
Raspark Dwelling 54.923406,-3.878756
Ravens Craig Land Feature 54.902480,-3.840050
Redcastle Plantation Named Woodland 54.971730,-3.864180
Redyett (Redliggate) Dwelling 54.879418,-3.850413
Reid Craig Dwelling 54.904340,-3.830760
Risk Hill Land Feature 54.949130,-3.885240
Rumbling Well Well 54.934171,-3.866797
Scroggie Hill Land Feature 54.962353,-3.881069
Scroggie Hill Plantation Named Woodland 54.962420,-3.881060
Scroggiehill Farm 54.961244,-3.874043
Shiely Hill Land Feature 54.947900,-3.861940
Shiely Hill Plantation Named Woodland 54.947900,-3.861940
Slot Well Well 54.935003,-3.853567
Sour Hill Land Feature 54.950220,-3.865330
South Glen Dwelling 54.881470,-3.829122
Stakeford Wood (Oakbank Wood) Named Woodland 54.857970,-3.833350
Stepend Dwelling 54.961740,-3.849440
Sware Plantation Named Woodland 54.895970,-3.852380
The Pheasantry Land Feature 54.871276,-3.835991
Tod Fell Land Feature 54.916600,-3.882600
Torglass Dwelling 54.905349,-3.898022
Torglass Hill Land Feature 54.907400,-3.889268
Torglass Wood Named Woodland 54.905600,-3.891990
Tornat Wood (Tornat Plantations) Named Woodland 54.883186,-3.826761
Torrechan Plantation Named Woodland 54.882075,-3.836052
Toull Dwelling 54.910098,-3.832726
Transalpin (Courthill) Dwelling 54.903357,-3.844593
Wallyards Dwelling * 54.926171,-3.868518
West Logan Dwelling 54.951258,-3.863744
West Logan Smithy Smithy 54.949582,-3.874472
White Hill (Caigton) Land Feature 54.925680,-3.886310
White Hill (near Milton) Land Feature 54.961860,-3.861210
White Hill (near Scroggiehill) Land Feature 54.957130,-3.869580
White Port Sea 54.853193,-3.812728
Woodend Dwelling * 54.870359,-3.841175
Woodhead Dwelling 54.889999,-3.840135
Woodhead School (Palnackie Primary School) School 54.889197,-3.843080